Carl Edwards
- 705-651-2255
- 705-927-7485
- http://www.carledwards.ca
About Carl
Carl Started his Real Estate career in 1973 after a five year stint in electrical drafting with Canadian General Electric. Living on Stoney Lake in The Kawartha's, Carl has received a thorough insight into the joys and satisfaction of rural living and a true appreciation of waterfront properties.
His main philosophy in Real Estate has always been: "I'm not #1... You are!" As a seller you have the right to expect personal service and good value in return on the commission dollars you pay. As a Buyer you need a knowledgeable and competent REALTOR® who cares about your needs and is willing to go the extra mile. Looking to Buy or Sell a Home, Cottage, Farm, or Resort? Rely on Carl's experience.
Call / Text his cell 705-927-7485
My Listings
Prime Stoney Lake Living! Stunning level lot with clean sand beach waterfront and beautiful armour stone shoreline. Year round lakehouse and detached 2 car garage with level entry off a...
- 4 Beds
- 3 Baths