Judy Ball
- 705-651-2255 (Ball)
- http://www.callaball.com
About Judy
I was born and raised in the Village Of Lakefield, raising 3 children, 2 sons, and a daughter, and currently am blessed with seven awesome Grandchildren, whom all live in the same vicinity, allowing us to maintain a close relationship.
I have been in the Real Estate business since 1987, and remained with the same Brokerage, until just recently when my son decided to take his Broker’s licence, and start up his own company called Ball Real Estate Inc., Brokerage, I was top agent in the Lakefield office for 29 out of 30 years, and top agent Company wide for the last 15 years, reaching a level in production that only myself, my son, and one other agent has obtained.
Greg’s decision to go on his own was not an easy one, but knew if he didn’t do it now, he never would, and his goal is to hopefully build something successful that may benefit our families down the road. The Ball name has been out there for a very long time in the Real Estate World, and we don’t want people to forget it. We have brought some high end and respected agents with us, and more asking to come, so definitely a good start.
To do a job well in this business you have to be prepared to be a full time professional, which can consist of long and challenging hours, giving up family time and being able to manage the ups and downs that go with this job. But if you are prepared to give your all, it reaps many benefits & rewards. The joy is overwhelming when you match that right person to that perfect property making everyone involved delighted. I also have been blessed with the backing and encouragement of my family, which means a great deal to me. (They must remind me occasionally, though, what they are giving up for me).
Buying or selling your home is probably the most major investment you will make in your lifetime, and the most intimidating, so entrusting the marketing or purchase of your home to the right agent is a serious decision. I owe it all to my faithful clients who keep coming back and sending me referrals. Believe me, it doesn’t go unappreciated. Hard work, and long hours contribute to my success, but it still couldn’t happen without my loyal clients.