Ball Real Estate Inc., Brokerage is pleased to announce we have a new Broker of Record. A HUGE Welcome to Gareth Jones our new Executive Vice President and Broker of Record effective July 1st, 2020. Please join me in welcoming Gareth to our Brokerage. I am confident that you will enjoy working with Gareth and tapping into his vast experience and well respected industry connectivity.
Gareth is a Real Estate Broker with over 28 years of experience in both Residential and Commercial Real Estate. For 15 years, he actively traded specifically in multi-occupant commercial properties including high-rise multi-res, office, retail and industrial.
Gareth holds multiple designations and is faculty with the Real Estate Institute of Canada (REIC) and the National Association of Realtors (NAR) for REIC’s FRI and CRES designations along with eight NAR designation programs. The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) and REIC have trained Gareth as faculty to instruct the ABR, CIPS, CRB, CRES, C-RETS, FRI, PSA, RENE, SRES and SRS programs. Gareth was appointed as the single Ontario representative for the CREA Code of Ethics Committee and assisted in re-writing of REBBA 2002 into TRESA. For more information on Gareth and his experience please see his biography in the “Meet Our Team” tab.
Gareth will be an extraordinary asset to our Boutique Brokerage. I am excited for the future as his vision is extremely similar to mine. He will be available to all of you and spending time in each of our offices. Over time and in the near future he will be booking one on one sit downs to better understand our culture and dynamics. Gareth will be a non-soliciting licensed Broker. His time will be dedicated to managing and operating Ball Real Estate Inc. and all its offices. Gareth is as excited to take on this new adventure as I am to welcome him. Please join me in looking forward to continued fun and excitement ahead, including steady growth, culture strength and market dominance.
Drop in and say Hello to Gareth he will be working from Lakefield, Peterborough, Norwood & Apsley on a daily basis.
I would also like to send out a HUGE “THANK YOU” to Dominic Cole who has been a tremendous leader. Dominic is a great asset to our brokerage and will continue to be.